Election Speeches

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Ben Chifley – 1946

Australia is about to enter upon the greatest era in her history, this country of ours has come through two world wars and weathered the miseries and hardships of a depression, all in the space of a little over 30 years. Today Australia has become the great bastion of the British-speaking race south of the Equator. Strategically arid economically, our country has assumed a position in the Pacific on behalf of the British Commonwealth of Nations of such importance that development and responsibility go hand in hand.

September 2nd, 1946

arts defence education health social security

Kim Beazley – 1998

There is no one magic source for that security and opportunity. It is not good enough to mouth assurances that they will somehow magically trickle down from on high, or emerge out of some soulless economic machine. If a tax looks like it is going to hurt, that is because it will. Governments cause pain frequently enough, even when they don’t mean to, and there is no mystical virtue in accepting pain for pain’s sake.

September 23rd, 1998

economy education employment

Arthur Calwell – 1961

Deeply conscious of the grave challenge of the future, Labor presents its well considered programme. We bear the same shield as did Scullin, Curtin and Chifley. We walk in their tradition. We are men of one allegiance only. We have never changed our name. We represent the Australian Labor Party, which is Australian because it is Labor, and Labor because it is Australian. Our flag is the Australian flag which we have never sullied and which we have never raised in an unworthy cause.

November 16th, 1961

agriculture communism defence economy education employment family foreign affairs health immigration infrastructure social security

Robert Menzies – 1955

Despite their alleged misery, the people of Australia, during our six years, have almost doubled the number of their motor cars. There is today one motor vehicle (private and commercial) for every 4½ people. Washing machines, domestic refrigerators, household appliances tell the same story.

communism defence health agriculture economy employment foreign affairs industrial relations infrastructure trade

Malcolm Fraser – 1980

Liberal policies are designed to enable Australians to live free and independent lives in a secure nation. They are policies to promote the enterprise and initiative which will enable people to secure their own future through the rewards of their own efforts. They are also policies of compassion and concern for those in need.

September 30th, 1980

defence economy industrial relations infrastructure arts communications and technology family foreign affairs health immigration Indigenous affairs social security

John Gorton – 1969

We believe a nation not only expresses itself through its material achievements, but also through its participation in, and its development of, the arts.

We believe that it is time Australia developed its own film industry and we shall, in our next period of government, establish an Australian Film and Television Development Corporation to administer a Film and Television fund which will invest in, and make loans to, film and television producers for the making of quality films and programmes in Australia with a significant Australian content, and otherwise to encourage the production and distribution overseas of Australian-made films of high quality.

October 9th, 1969

arts defence economy family health immigration agriculture communism education foreign affairs Indigenous affairs infrastructure social security socialism trade

Malcolm Fraser – 1977

Our policies have given people the confidence and incentive to invest in Australia’s future. Australia is ready to go with six thousand million dollars of development in coal, iron ore, bauxite, alumina, petroleum and nickel, in manufacturing industry, in construction and retailing.

November 21st, 1977

economy agriculture arts defence education foreign affairs health immigration Indigenous affairs infrastructure social security trade water

Billy Snedden – 1974

Inflation is Labor’s greatest failure. It is at its highest rate for 20 years–and going up! No amount of wishful talking will convince the shopper or shopkeeper that the highest inflation rate in the March 14 quarter for more than 20 years which has been just published is a success.

April 30th, 1974

defence economy education foreign affairs health infrastructure social security women

James Scullin – 1931

The question you must ask yourself is: Will you support those who spent borrowed money extravagantly, encouraged imports, and brought the country to the brink of ruin? Or will you support the Government which by quick, bold and drastic action converted an excess of imports into an excess of exports and stopped the drift in time to prevent a national calamity.

December 1st, 1931

defence economy employment immigration industrial relations

Mark Latham – 2004

And as we look to the future of our children, let’s not forget the greatest intergenerational challenge of them all—saving our planet. Australia must play a role in the international struggle against global warming. Our national icons are at stake: The coral bleaching and destruction of the Great Barrier Reef; The flooding of Kakadu National Park with salt water. No responsible leader could stand by and watch these things happen.

September 29th, 2004

climate change economy education employment environment health social security